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If you’ve ever felt a sharp pain in your heel or the bottom of your foot while running, you might have encountered a common yet pesky condition called Plantar Fasciitis. 

Plantar Fasciitis is more common among runners than the general population. When we’re out there giving our best on the tracks, our feet take a beating. The stress from intense workouts can lead to this nagging injury, affecting our joy of running. 

Ignoring the pain and pushing through may sound tricky, but it could worsen the problem and hamper your running performance. There are ways to tackle this challenge and bounce back on the track.

In this blog, we’ll find the best approach to keep running and chasing our fitness dreams! 

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is a common foot condition where the band of tissue on the bottom of your foot becomes inflamed and painful. It can happen due to spending too much time on your feet, wearing improper shoes, or having an unusual foot structure. Particularly in the morning or after extended periods of standing or sitting, the discomfort might range from a dull aching to a sharp, stabbing sensation.  

To manage the pain, it’s essential to rest, apply ice, and elevate your feet. Along with performing calf, Achilles, and foot stretching exercises, it’s important to wear shoes that provide adequate support and cushioning. You can find relief and get back to walking comfortably with patience and care.

How to Identify Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is not easy to understand. It happens when the plantar fascia, a tissue band in our foot, becomes inflamed. 

Signs and Symptoms

The first clue to identifying Plantar Fasciitis is the persistent pain, usually felt in your heel or arch. Mornings can be the worst, with that ache being the first thing to greet you. Long periods of standing or walking may also trigger the pain.

Weight-Bearing Woes

Activities that put weight on your feet, like walking or running, might worsen the pain. But here’s a small silver lining: the discomfort tends to ease when you give your feet a break.

Getting Hands-On

You can also try a little DIY investigation. Gently pressing on the affected area might reveal tenderness. And if the pain worsens when you flex your foot and toes upwards, you might get closer to a Plantar Fasciitis diagnosis.

Seek Professional Help

Feel free to contact a medical pro for a definite answer. They’ll take a good look at your history and thoroughly examine your feet. They might even use some fancy imaging techniques to get the whole picture.

Embrace the Knowledge

Once you’ve unravelled the mystery of Plantar Fasciitis, you can take steps to manage it better. Following your doctor’s advice and practising self-care will lead you to pain-free walking.

What Not to Do With Plantar Fasciitis?

Dealing with plantar fasciitis, a pesky foot condition, requires some know-how to avoid common pitfalls. Let’s explore the dos and don’ts of handling this discomforting issue simply and conversationally.

1. Don’t Ignore the Pain

Plantar fasciitis pain can be bothersome, but brushing it off as a passing annoyance might not be the best idea. Ignoring the discomfort could lead to further problems and hinder your recovery.

2. Avoid High-Impact Activities

Taking it easy on your feet is crucial. High-impact exercises or activities can aggravate the condition and delay healing.

3. Choose Supportive Footwear

Wearing shoes without adequate arch support and cushioning can worsen plantar fasciitis. Look for comfortable footwear that offers proper support and protects your feet.

4. Be Cautious with Anti-Inflammatory Medication

While anti-inflammatory medications can provide temporary relief, they should be used sparingly. More than relying on them could result in symptoms being covered up without addressing the underlying source of the issue. 

5. Consider Orthotic Devices Carefully

Take your time with proper guidance. Consult with a trained expert who can create orthotics just for you.

6. Don’t Self-Diagnose

Plantar fasciitis can have similar symptoms to other conditions, and misdiagnosis may lead to inappropriate treatment. 

7. Don’t Overdo It

Pushing through the pain is not a wise move. While it’s essential to stay active, pushing your limits while dealing with plantar fasciitis can worsen the condition.

Can You Still Run with Plantar Fasciitis?

You can run with Plantar Fasciitis, but you must be careful and patient. Plantar Fasciitis can be painful for runners. It’s inflammation in the tissue under your foot’s arch.

If you have Plantar Fasciitis, take it easy and rest. Try low-impact activities like cycling or swimming. When you’re ready to run again, start slowly and listen to your body. Gradually increase your running routine.

Wear proper footwear with good cushioning and support. Pay attention to your running form and consider cross-training to strengthen your foot muscles.

Does Plantar Fasciitis Get Worse With Running?

Yes, running can make Plantar Fasciitis worse. The repetitive impact and stress on the foot’s plantar fascia during running can lead to more pain and inflammation in the affected area. To avoid worsening the condition while running, wearing supportive shoes, choosing softer surfaces, and avoiding sudden increases in running intensity are essential. Seeking professional advice for appropriate exercises and treatments can also help manage the discomfort caused by Plantar Fasciitis.

What Is the Best Way to Run With Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis can be a real pain for runners. Here are some simple steps to follow to run with Plantar Fasciitis.

  • Before hitting the track, talk to a doctor to understand your body’s needs and limitations.
  • Invest in running shoes with good arch support, cushioning, and shock absorption to reduce strain on your plantar fascia.
  • Before your run, do dynamic stretches for your lower body, like leg swings and ankle rotations, to boost flexibility and get your blood flowing.
  • Slowly increase your distance and intensity to give your body time to adjust. And remember rest days for healing.
  • Consider using custom-made orthotic inserts for extra support and comfort.
  • Mix it with swimming, cycling, or yoga to stay active without stressing your feet.

Remember to listen to your body and not push through pain. With the right approach and patience, you’ll be back to enjoying your runs in no time. 


Running with Plantar Fasciitis is possible but requires caution, patience, and proper care. Plantar fasciitis, which affects the tissue under the foot’s arch, can be extremely painful for runners. Ignoring the pain and pushing through can worsen the situation and hinder recovery. To manage Plantar Fasciitis while running, it is essential to rest and engage in low-impact activities like cycling or swimming during the recovery phase. 

When ready to resume running, starting slowly and gradually increasing intensity while listening to your body is crucial. Wearing supportive footwear, incorporating dynamic stretches, and considering cross-training are valuable strategies to reduce strain on the plantar fascia. 

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